Birthday Blues

Sunday I celebrated my 37th birthday. This is the only pic I have from that day:


The accompanying caption says: To celebrate my birthday, Chris made an amazing breakfast of blueberry buckwheat pancakes topped with fresh blueberries and homemade whipped cream, sausage links, and bakery donuts. Unfortunately, I couldn’t eat any of it due to a stomach bug. #nooneshouldbesickontheirbirthday

For lunch after church, my parents, my brothers (one of whom is celebrating a birthday tomorrow) and their families, and my uncle had a small party. I, on the otherhand, basically spent the entire day in my bed or in my bathroom while Chris single-parented our children. It was, quite literally, a craptastic birthday. Don’t worry. I had my own little party. A pity party complete with Saltines, Ginger Ale, and a few tears.

I called in sick to work on Monday and cancelled dinner plans with a friend, shouldn’t have gone to work yesterday, and probably should have stayed home today too. But birthdays aren’t just a day, they are a season, right? I’m calling a do-over as soon as I am feeling better. Same breakfast, same lunch and time with my family. I’m not going to let the birthday blues keep me down. 🙂

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